Monthly Archives: Feb 2019

Must-have Technology Company Organizational Chart Templates

Technology companies normally have their specific core competitiveness for the fierce global market. Moreover, types of technology companies can be subdivided into many categories according to the industry, such as electronic information, new energy, new materials, bioengineering, mobile application and more. All of these types may involve unique organizational structures. In this article, we will discuss five typical technology companies with generic organizational chart templates.

App Technology Company Organizational Chart Template

With the popularity of smartphones, an increasing number of traditional PC-based internet companies are transforming into the mobile application industry. The organizational structure of an app company usually sets around its product from product design to promotion and sales. Product managers also set up departments in different production cycles to enhance the cohesion. The following is an app company organizational chart template.

App Technology Company Organizational Chart Template

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Poor Organizational Structure – Common Signals and Impacts

Organizational charts are the presentation of reporting relationships and employee roles in an enterprise. A well-structured organizational structure would help you to improve productivity, but a poor organizational structure can weak your business competitiveness. Next, let’s find out the common signals and key impacts of poor ones.

Any Common Signals of Poor Organizational Structures?

Poor organizational structures could have many characteristics, but the following are the most common types:

poor organizational structure example

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